Rovato, Italy

Our youngest students spent a wonderful week in an Erasmus exchange program with our Italian partners in Rovato, Italy. It was their first time and they had an amazing time and lots of fun, but they also learnt many new and interesting things related to both our Erasmus Plan together with their Italian partners, and to life!

Now we have to keep on working on our partnership on our cooperative learning process and start preparing our next exchanges together!

We are Looking forward to It! See you soon!!! Thanks for everything! Grazzie per tutto!

El nostre grup Erasmus més jove ha passat una fantàstica setmana a Rovato, Itàlia.

Ha estat la seva primera mobilitat i, a més de passar-s’ho molt bé, han après molt treballant amb els socis italians, tant sobre el projecte Erasmus com sobre la vida!

Ara continuarem treballant amb els socis de Rovato i començarem a preparar els propers intercanvis. En tenim moltes ganes! Ens veiem aviat! Grazzie per tutto!

(This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.)

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