Saarbrüken, Germany -June2022-
In June, two groups of our students were in Saarbrüken, Germany, thanks to the Erasmus Accreditation.
They were in two different schools ( TGBBZ1 and Gesamtscgule Sulzbachtal in Dudweiler) and there, they carried out activities related to the SDGs together with our Erasmus partners and learnt many concepts in relation to nature perservation, industry, technologies, team work…
The last day they visited Luxembourg, the small country where Europe was born.
“L’ experiència d’aquest Erasmus m’ha agradat molt. Ja trobo molt a faltar el meu company Juri i tinc ganes de rebre’l a casa. Espero que mai s’acabi la nostra amistat i que continuï molts anys més.”(Sergio)
“Ens van ensenyar moltes coses diferents d’allà i, sobre tot, es van portar fantàsticament amb
nosaltres. Van fer d’aquest viatge una experiència inoblidable.” (José Miguel)
“Ens emportem molts bons records, amics i una nova visió de com són els alemanys. Hem après moltíssim i ho tornaria a repetir sense pensar-ho”. (Nadia)
“My experience during the Erasmus week in Germany (Saarbrücken) has been very fun and
interesting because we have learned new things about Germany, we have been able to
meet new people from different culture.
To work on the SDGs we have done three classes, two of a workshop “Future Classroom”
that works on SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure) and the last one we have
gone to the museum factory “Völklinger Hütte” which has been very interesting and we
have seen things related to art and history.” (Fatima)
“My experience during this week has been very good and I have been able to learn new things thanks to this opportunity to go on Erasmus.” (Leila)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be
made of the information contained therein.